The 54th School on Condensed State Physics

March 16-21, 2020

The 54th School on Condensed State Physics will take place from 16 to 21 March 2020 in one of the suburbs of Saint Petersburg, Russia. The conference is organized by Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute named by B.P. Konstantinov of National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute».

The scientific scope of the School covers a wide range of current issues at the cutting edge of modern condensed matter physics as well as neutron and synchrotron research. Traditionally, our Schools start with an overview of the latest scientific events of the past year.

It is expected that the School will be attended by about 250 participants, including about 150 young specialists (under 35 years old), graduate and undergraduate students.


  • Neutron scattering;
  • Scattering of synchrotron radiation;
  • Materials and minerals;
  • Biophysics and life science;
  • Solid State Theory;
  • Methods of modeling and instruments.

Within the School six poster sessions will be held during three days of the School. Also there will be the traditional sessions of various scientific clubs: Green's Function Club, Material Science Club.

Registration. The submission deadline is the 1st 7th of February 2020.

The information about the accommodation (hotel) will be available later.

The participation fee is 16 000 ₽. It includes the accommodation in a hotel, three meals daily, admission to all sessions, and a welcome party. For students and PhD students from Russian organizations the reduced fee is possible.


Secretary: Olga Popovich
Address: 188300, Russia, Leningradskaya region, Gatchina, 1, mkr. Orlova roshcha.